Techniques of Resistance is a collaborative and in-expansion archive of communal construction practices. This heterogeneous collection focuses on vernacular, indigenous, and popular ways of doing, from large buildings to small devices.

Architecture, when built, mobilizes a vast—and often invisible—network of resources, knowledge, beliefs, and people involved in the construction process. Techniques of Resistance looks into buildings that are deeply rooted in the environments and ecologies in which they are situated, with a sensitive understanding of communal cooperation and material cyclability.

The collections of buildings, devices, and techniques grouped in this open archive aim to be a resource for architecture projects; maybe inspiring the resolution of a construction detail, the use of a specific material or the understanding of collective processes for building together.

Images are everywhere today and they define the filter through which we see the world. By collectively creating this archive we aim to bring obscure, unorthodox and site-specific resources into the construction of alternative forms of knowledge and memory.

Techniques of Resistance is a documentation project by Vinzenz Aubry, Manavi Dixit, Domonique Valenzuela, and Harrison White, conceived as part of the Techniques of Resistance architectural design workshop taught by Rocio Crosetto Brizzio at MIT Architecture in the fall of 2024.

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